Steps to take when a loved one has passed… and has remained undiscovered for several days

This can be a confusing and emotional time in your life. First of all, please know, we are here for you to answer any questions, even if you do not use our services. Our motto at The BioClean Team is “Service First”. We are here as a resource during these troubled times, and are very sorry for what you are going through.

  1. First things first: We understand you have lost a family member and the circumstances may be less than desirable. If you are the one who has discovered your loved one, please STOP, retrace your steps and dial 9-1-1. DO NOT touch anything. Not only is it hazardous, but you may be disrupting crucial evidence that law enforcement and the coroner will want to document as is.
  2. Remove yourself from the immediate scene and wait for law enforcement.
  3. Once law enforcement has arrived, inform them of your findings. They will want your statement again, so remain present or available via phone if the scene is emotionally overwhelming for you. Call another family member to assist you as needed, but try to keep the scene clear of a large group that may hinder officials.
  4. Questions to ask law enforcement and the coroner:
    1. Approximately how long was the family member in this state? This assists us in our assessment of how extreme the remediation will be.
    2. Will there be any issue with clearing the scene so I may have retrieve the belongings? This allows us an understanding of when the scene may be released for bio-hazard remediation.
  5. Once the scene has been cleared (can be same day, a few days, or even sometimes weeks) inform a bioremediation company such as The BioClean Team about the pending clearance so that the company, or we, may arrive as quickly as possible to return you to normal as quickly as possible. Our goal is to get you back to baseline as soon as possible.

We understand this is a difficult time for your family both emotionally, physically, and financially. The emotional toll it takes losing a loved one, and especially being involved in the discovery process is the very reason you should call a trusted and reputable BIOremediation company. There is often little regulation and unscrupulous individuals have popped up with no training, nor certifications supporting their knowledge of OSHA standards, pathogens, decontamination, biohazard transport, nor knowledge of California’s vast health department requirements. ALL technicians at The BioClean Team are fully vetted, trained, and certified. The owner has been in the industry for over ten years and is a registered nurse who worked in multiple trauma hospitals and emergency rooms in southern California. This first-hand knowledge of trauma, OSHA, biohazardous remediation, coupled with working alongside first responders on a daily basis makes The BioClean Team one of the most knowledgeable and compassionate companies available today. They have wealth of resources and are committed to “Service First”, meaning, no matter who you decide is the best choice for your family to assist with your cleanup needs, the owner will make herself available as a resource to answer any questions you may have. Off the books. Anytime. “Service First

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