When a meth lab is shut down, some equipment may be removed by law enforcement. The remaining paraphernalia, or cooking equipment will need to be properly disposed by an environmental company like The BioClean Team. The property will also be contaminated with methamphetamine and hazardous chemical residues.
The safest way to clean up a former methamphetamine (meth) lab is to hire an environmental company, like THE BioClean Team, trained in hazardous waste removal and cleanup (see our certifications and training HERE *please link to about us page or certs at bottom of page).
Meanwhile, PLEASE make sure that ANYONE near or about to enter the property is FULLY aware of the hazardous materials and toxic fumes present in the property.
We suggest posting “no trespassing” and “hazmat” sign around the property as well as securing the property with a board up while we complete our risk assessment and containment for cleanup.
We strongly advise against entering the property, but if you MUST for any reason, please wear proper protective equipment. If at all possible retain a BioClean Team technical as an escort during this time and wear a full respirator, long sleeves, and facial covering as chemicals may be absorbed by the skin. Also, be aware that general sanitation issues frequently exist at former meth labs and may include filth, pest infestations, and hypodermic needle hazards. Thick work gloves, sturdy closed-toed shoes, eye protection should be worn.
The chemicals may be odorless, tasteless, and invisible, and you can get VERY ILL.