Trauma Scene Cleanup: What You Should Do After A Death in Your Home

Trauma Scene Cleanup

If someone has passed away in your home, specifically in a violent or bloody matter, you’ll need to hire a crew to conduct a trauma scene cleanup. Blood and human remains can leave behind biohazardous, bloodborne pathogens that must be cleaned up and disposed of appropriately.

First and foremost, though, we want to acknowledge how absolutely harrowing this experience is. If you’re reading this because this has happened to you, know that our entire team sends our condolences and deep regards for your well-being.

Someone dying in your home, traumatically or not, is unimaginable. It’s something that no person wants to go through or experience, and witnessing this event can be psychologically traumatizing. If you are struggling with witnessing a violent or traumatic event, we strongly encourage you to lean on those you love and seek psychological support. Mental health matters— and you are not alone.

The BioClean Team prioritizes compassion, discretion, and kindness above anything else. This is a non-negotiable for any company you hire to conduct a trauma scene cleanup, and we hope that you keep that in mind when searching for help.

Now, onto the blog.

What is a Trauma Scene Clean-Up?

A trauma scene clean-up is a service conducted by licensed bioremediation professionals. The trauma scene cleanup takes place after the body has been removed by the coroner. If the person did not pass away but still left mass amounts of blood and bodily fluids behind, a biohazardous clean-up crew will still be necessary.

It is a common misconception that EMTs or police officers clean up human remains, blood, or bodily fluids after traumatic events. Unfortunately, though, the job of cleaning up remains is left to family members, friends, or business owners if the tragedy took place inside of a business building.

If there is blood or human remains left behind, police will condone the space as a biohazardous area and will clear the scene in order to keep people safe. When the scene is cleared and the victim or person who was hurt is removed, police will then let you know when you can call a company to come in and clean the area.

If you have just watched someone die, chances are that you’re not up to the task of sifting through the internet to find the right company to hire to clean up—and certainly not able to clean up what’s left behind on your own. It’s an unthinkable thing to expect someone to do after experiencing something so shocking and tragic.

That’s where the BioClean Team comes in.

Making Your Space Livable Again

With extreme compassion for grieving family members and friends, we clear the area and begin to disinfect the scene. Our team will have proper PPE gear, chemicals for disinfection, and specific storage for contaminated objects to be disposed of at licensed facilities. We use layers of gloves and take other protective measures to ensure that our staff is safe.

Hiring a bioremediation company like BioClean is the only way to ensure that your home can be livable again. When we perform a trauma scene cleanup,  we’ll remove any materials or objects that are contaminated with blood. We will also clean the interior of your home where the blood has made its way. This ensures your living spaces are clear of any lingering infectious diseases. This includes any splattering of blood, tracking, or dripping.

When left behind, human blood can contain infectious organisms called bloodborne pathogens that can make people gravely ill. Some examples are HIV, Hepatitis B and C, MRSA (a bacteria that can’t be treated with antibiotics), and C. Difficulty.

When are Trauma Scene Cleanups Necessary?

If someone has lost lots of blood, human remains and tissues, and bodily fluids, you’ll need to hire a cleanup crew. As stated above, these materials are incredibly dangerous to your health and can cause life-threatening diseases if not disinfected properly. Possibly even death.

The BioClean Team offers services for the following traumatic events:

  • Crime Scenes
  • Suicide
  • Homicides
  • Traumatic Accidents
  • Accidental Death
  • Undiscovered or Unattended Death

Give The BioClean Team a Call

We understand how tender these situations are, and would be honored to help you get through this incredibly difficult time. Not only will we make your personal space safe to live in again, but we will also offer deep compassion to those on the scene who are in shock or deeply grieving. Losing someone you love or witnessing someone else lose their life is one of the most traumatic things we can ever face. Let us help you bear a piece of the burden by making your home a place you can be in again.

Call The BioClean Team Today