Cleaning Hazardous Materials Following Protests/Riots

Cleaning Hazardous Materials Following Protests/Riots

We’ve all felt the impact of the recent protests, riots, and looting that swept through the nation as protestors called out for justice and equality. Amazing things have come from their actions and some not-so-great things as well.

Statistically speaking, clean-up can be expensive. In Minnesota alone, property destruction and looting during some of the protests will cost insurers at least $25 million dollars. But the damage extends beyond properties: these protesters were often met with force: police used tear gas and rubber bullets during many of them, which resulted in the spread of hazardous material. 

All over the country, citizens came together to clean up following the protests and supported one another as they began to rebuild. Neighbors helped fix damages, customers repaired businesses, and they all stood together to protect and support each other.

We want to help as well. Due to the nature of some of these protests, a licensed Trauma Scene Waste Management Practitioner should be entrusted with cleaning up any hazardous material, such as blood and bodily fluids. If it is not handled and disposed of properly, biohazards can be harmful to your health. 

Cleaning Up Biohazards

One of the great services we offer is handling biohazardous waste disposal. But what is a biohazard/a hazardous material? To put it simply, it’s something that is a threat to your health and is sometimes called “infectious waste.” 

Some examples of the most common biohazards are:

  • Human blood and blood products 
  • Human body fluids 
  • Pathological waste
  • Microbiological waste
  • Animal Waste
  • Sharps/Medical waste

When it comes to riots and looting, the more common biohazards will be blood and human body fluids. These usually can’t be removed with just soap and water, so it’s best you call in the professionals to help.

Cleaning Up Biohazards the Right Way

We are trained to look for the smallest traces of biohazardous material: from the ceiling, walls, furniture, personal items, light fixtures, switches, electrical sockets, and even behind blinds and doors, we check it all. If the event happened outside, we leave no stone unturned and cover the area to ensure privacy. 

Our EPA registered chemicals are fully compliant and kill Influenza A, H1N1 Influenza A, Influenza A Avian virus, Rhinovirus type 37 and HIV, as well as gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including: Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin Resistant S. aureus (MRSA), and E. coli.

The BioClean Team is certified as a Trauma Scene Waste Management Practitioner and licensed by the California Department of Public Health to disinfect, clean, remove and dispose of all biohazards that are present.

We follow the protocol and procedures mandated by OSHA and the California Department of Public Health. Our technicians wear full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including biohazard protective suits, full-face respirators with organic vapor filters, and several layers of gloves.

Protecting Your Home or Business From COVID-19

With protests, comes people. If you opened your home or business to protestors, then there is a risk of surface spread. If you’re worried about the spread of COVID-19 in your business or home due to ongoing protests, we can help. 

The BioClean team offers professional fogging services. Fogging is easy to do, incredibly cheap and can be used to help disinfect huge spaces. Our service is effective because we ensure the fog has enough time to “dwell” in the residence or place of business to be effective. This means that our team won’t be in and out in 5 minutes — we let the fog linger to properly coat and disinfect every surface in the room.

Rebuilding After Looting

Looting is another term for burglary or robbery. Some violent protestors chose to show their frustration by breaking into and stealing from businesses all over the country. If you were a victim of this crime, we want to help. 

After law enforcement leaves the crime scene, family members, property managers and business owners are faced with the daunting task of cleaning up after the traumatic event. While we can’t provide new windows or a time machine, we can assist you in sanitizing your business if you find any hazardous material. 

The BioClean Team is compassionate, discreet, and ready to help you clean up any hazardous materials left behind at the crime scene. 

We understand that it’s essential for commercial policyholders to return to “business as usual” as soon as possible. Our highly experienced teams work diligently to provide your commercial policyholders fast, effective BIOHazard restoration services helping to reduce business interruption.

  • Most crime scene cleanups are covered by insurance
  • No out-of-pocket costs in most cases
  • We offer FAST 24/7/365 service
  • We are locally owned and operated

Our highly trained BioClean Team technicians will arrive in discreet vehicles and provide comprehensive cleaning services, out of sight of neighbors and onlookers. We will never speak with the media.

Contact the BioClean Team today to see if we can help you rebuild following a protest, riot, or looting. 

Call The BioClean Team Today