
  • How to Dispose of Biohazard Waste
  • This time on the BioClean Team blog we’re taking a step back to the big picture of what we do. We clean hazardous environments, we disinfect dangerous situations, we handle the biohazardous waste that others cannot. Here’s how to dispose of biohazard waste as a professional! TO BE CLEAR: If you’re not a trained professional, … Continue reading “How to Dispose of Biohazard Waste”

  • The Best Cat Odor Remedies
  • Step inside your mom’s home only to be greeted with the overpowering smell of litter box? Cat odor is incredibly powerful and if left unchecked will take over the house entirely. This time on the BioClean Team blog, cat odor remedies, when they will work and what to do when they don’t! Cat Urine – … Continue reading “The Best Cat Odor Remedies”

  • Can My Employees Clean That?
  • 2020 has many businesses around the world examining their cleaning protocols, to keep a healthy and safe environment for their customers, clients, and employees. In going above and beyond, many may be unknowingly putting their employees, and themselves, at risk! Here’s a quick rundown on what you can and cannot have your employees clean up! … Continue reading “Can My Employees Clean That?”