
  • The Wrong Way to Grieve
  • If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you may be thinking, “am I doing this right?” The answer is yes, you are doing ‘this’ right— because there is no wrong way to grieve. The only “wrong” way to grieve is not to grieve at all or to shame yourself for what you … Continue reading “The Wrong Way to Grieve”

  • Is Hoarding a Mental Illness?
  • When you think of someone who hoards things, you may think of someone who likes to keep knick-knacks. Hoarding is a mental illness, and it’s called Hoarding Disorder. It’s important to understand that keeping some extra stuff here and there is not hoarding.  A pattern of behavior in which an individual has difficulty discarding or … Continue reading “Is Hoarding a Mental Illness?”

  • What Is an Unattended Death?
  • An unattended death is a situation where a person dies alone, and their body is discovered after a prolonged period without anyone knowing of their passing. Unattended deaths can happen in many different circumstances, such as when someone dies in their home or apartment and has no family or friends to check on them regularly … Continue reading “What Is an Unattended Death?”

  • The Dangers of a Meth Lab CleanUp
  • Meth lab cleanups are no small task. It’s a job that requires specialized knowledge of danger and expertise in decontamination. Suppose you have discovered a meth lab on your property. In that case, it’s important to contact the appropriate professional services immediately to ensure that the area is properly disinfected and safe for re-entry.  What … Continue reading “The Dangers of a Meth Lab CleanUp”