Unveiling the World of Biohazard Cleanup Companies: What We do

Ever wondered what biohazard cleanup companies do and how they do it? In short, companies like the BioCleanTeam clean up environmental threats like bodies, human tissue, animal carcasses, homeless encampments, meth labs, hoarding situations, biohazardous waste, and so much more.

Not to toot our horns, but we think biohazard companies are the unsung heroes in our society. By providing crucial services, teams like the BioClean team ensure the safety and well-being of both people and the environment. When biohazardous materials are present, professionals like us step in to remove the dangers and restore affected areas to a safe and habitable state.

Biohazard cleanup teams are made up of people who handle the hard stuff. Homicides. Car accidents. Rat infestations. And biohazard teams are usually the folks consoling families after a suicide or traumatic death. Not only can this work be emotionally and physically taxing, but it must be done at federal regulation standards as well.

Aside from the dark side of our work, we here at BioClean find our jobs to be wildly satisfying. We are offered the opportunity to help families in the darkest hours of their lives, revive spaces so that they are livable again, and above all, protect the public.

In this blog, we will explore the services that biohazard cleanup companies provide, their importance, and the steps involved in their work.

What is a Biohazard Cleanup?

Biohazard cleanup is a specialized service provided by trained professionals to clean, sanitize, and decontaminate areas affected by biohazardous materials. These materials can include blood, bodily fluids, human or animal waste, chemicals, and other potentially infectious substances.

The cleanup process involves using specialized equipment, techniques, and protective gear to ensure the safety of the workers and prevent the spread of infectious diseases or harmful substances.

Services Offered by Biohazard Cleanup Companies

Crime Scene Cleanup

After law enforcement has completed their investigation, biohazard cleanup companies are responsible for cleaning and decontaminating the affected area. This may involve the removal of blood, bodily fluids, or other biohazardous materials left behind.

Trauma Scene Cleanup

Trauma scenes can result from accidents, suicides, homicides, or other events involving injury or death. Biohazard cleanup companies work to remove any biological hazards and restore the scene to a safe and clean state.

Hoarding Cleanup

In cases of extreme hoarding, accumulated waste and clutter can create unsanitary living conditions that pose a risk to occupants and the surrounding community. Biohazard cleanup companies help remove the clutter, sanitize the area, and dispose of hazardous materials properly.

Infectious Disease Decontamination

In the event of an infectious disease outbreak, such as COVID-19, biohazard cleanup companies play a vital role in preventing the spread of the disease by decontaminating affected areas and disposing of contaminated materials.

Industrial and Chemical Spills

When chemical spills occur, specialized biohazard cleanup companies step in to manage the containment, cleanup, and disposal of hazardous materials to ensure the safety of the environment and the public.

Odor Removal

Biohazard cleanup companies also address situations where lingering odors result from decomposition or other biological processes. They use advanced equipment and techniques to neutralize and remove the odors effectively. Consider odors like decomposing bodies or cigarette smoke. 

Mold Remediation

Mold infestations pose significant health risks and can cause structural damage to properties. Biohazard cleanup companies provide mold remediation services to remove mold, address the source of moisture, and repair the affected areas.

The Importance of Biohazard Cleanup

Protection of Public Health

The primary goal of biohazard cleanup is to protect public health by preventing the spread of infectious diseases and harmful substances. By doing so, biohazard cleanup companies ensure the well-being of individuals and communities.

Environmental Safety

Biohazard cleanup companies are responsible for the proper disposal of hazardous materials, which helps prevent environmental pollution and maintain ecological balance.

Regulatory Compliance

By adhering to local, state, and federal regulations, biohazard remediation companies ensure that their clients remain in compliance with the laws governing hazardous waste disposal and  procedures.

Property Restoration

Many times a property needs restoration due to a hoarding problem, gross filth, or some sort of biohazardous exposure. Biohazard cleanup services help restore properties to a safe and habitable condition, preserving their value and function. 

Can We Help You?

Now that you know exactly what a biohazard cleanup company does, you may find yourself needing one. Please keep us in mind for your cleanup needs! Whether it’s a hoarding situation, filth cleanup, or anything in between, we are here to help. Many times insurance will cover our services.  Please reach out to us directly if you have any questions. 

Pioneering Technologies in the Biohazard Cleanup Industry

The biohazard cleanup industry is responsible for addressing various types of hazardous materials and contaminants. This includes things such as bloodborne pathogens, mold, chemical spills, and more.  And while many might consider us glorified mess-picker-uppers, our work ensures the safety of both individuals and the environment. By preventing the spread of disease, we mitigate health risks. 

As technology continues to advance, new methods and tools are being developed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of what we do. These new technologies not only work to keep employees and the general public safe but also help in effectiveness and sanitation. Technology is an incredible thing— and we are so grateful for the way it’s revolutionizing the way we work and ensures safety.

In this blog, we will explore some of the latest technologies being utilized in the biohazard cleanup industry, highlighting their benefits and potential impact on the future of this important field.

Drones and Robotics

Drones aren’t just for flyover footage of cool landscapes or pizza delivery. The use of drones and robotic systems in the biohazard cleanup industry has been a game-changer. Equipped with advanced sensors, cameras, and specialized attachments, these machines can assess and navigate hazardous environments with precision, reducing the risk of exposure to human workers.

Drones can be used for aerial mapping and monitoring, while ground-based robots can collect samples, perform decontamination, and aid in the removal of hazardous materials. By limiting human involvement in the cleanup process, these technologies contribute to a safer and more efficient workflow.

UV-C Light Technology

Ultraviolet (UV) light technology, specifically UV-C, is a powerful tool for decontaminating surfaces and inactivating a broad spectrum of pathogens. Pathogens included in decontamination include bacteria, viruses, and mold spores. UV-C light destroys the DNA or RNA of microorganisms, rendering them unable to reproduce and effectively neutralizing them. This puts a hard stop to bacterial growth.

Biohazard cleanup professionals (like us!) can use portable UV-C light devices to sanitize surfaces rapidly, ensuring that areas are safe for re-entry. As this technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more powerful and efficient UV-C devices for various applications in the biohazard cleanup industry.

This specific technology is profound in creating safe spaces for the public to inhabit once again. The biohazard cleanup industry used sprays and chemicals for decades. UV-C light technology takes the efficiency a step further, ensuring that spaces are safe for people and the environment. 

Hydroxyl Generators

Hydroxyl generators are innovative devices that use advanced photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) technology to eliminate odors, bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants from the air. These machines produce hydroxyl radicals, which are highly reactive molecules capable of breaking down volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and neutralizing harmful pathogens.

Hydroxyl generators are environmentally friendly, as they do not produce ozone or other harmful byproducts. They have become an essential tool in the biohazard cleanup industry for restoring air quality after a contamination event. Without this specific technology, clearing out contaminants in the air would be far less efficient. Hydroxyl generators not only save time, but they save the environment and people from life-threatening health risks, too. 

Advanced Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The safety of workers in the biohazard cleanup industry is of paramount importance. As a result, advancements in personal protective equipment (PPE) are continually being made to improve worker safety and comfort. New materials with enhanced durability, breathability, and resistance to hazardous substances are being developed for use in PPE. Specific items include coveralls, gloves, and masks.

Additionally, wearable technology, like smart glasses and sensors, can provide real-time information about the surrounding environment, potential hazards, and worker health, further enhancing safety during biohazard cleanup operations.

Nanotechnology-Based Decontamination Solutions

Nanotechnology is an emerging field that involves manipulating materials at the nanometer scale (one billionth of a meter). In the biohazard cleanup industry, nanotechnology is being used to develop advanced decontamination solutions that are more effective and less harmful than traditional chemicals.

These solutions can contain nanoparticles that target specific pathogens or contaminants. The solution breaks them down at a molecular level, rendering them harmless. Not only do these nanotechnology-based solutions offer superior decontamination performance, but they are also less likely to cause harm to the environment and human health.


The integration of new technologies in the biohazard cleanup industry has led to significant improvements.  Safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of cleanup operations are better than ever. From drones and robotics to nanotechnology, the biohazard cleanup industry is becoming safer than ever for employees and the public. As these technologies advance, lives will be saved and spaces will be resuscitated. 

If you have any questions about the technology we use here at BioClean or need help with a cleanup, we urge you to give us a call today! We are more than happy to answer any questions you have regarding our processes. 

The Wrong Way to Grieve

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you may be thinking, “am I doing this right?” The answer is yes, you are doing ‘this’ right— because there is no wrong way to grieve.

The only “wrong” way to grieve is not to grieve at all or to shame yourself for what you feel. Grieving is different for every person, and we all do it in our own way. What is unfortunate about grieving in the western world is that it is not widely talked about. We are also encouraged to grieve behind closed doors — making it an even more isolating and painful experience.

When Grieving Really Goes Wrong

While there is no “wrong” way to grieve, there are ways to prolong the grieving process and make things significantly worse. Grieving doesn’t go anywhere. Avoiding the process, pretending things didn’t happen, or trying to escape it will only make things worse. The following are things to avoid, as much as possible, while tending to your heart during grieving.

Suppressing Difficult Emotions

Trying to suppress or deny your feelings can lead to unresolved grief and emotional pain. It’s important to allow yourself to experience and express your emotions, even if they are difficult or uncomfortable. 

Losing a family member or a beloved pet is a traumatizing and painful experience. You may feel the deepest sorrow you have ever experienced — a sadness so strong that it takes you down. That is okay. It is important to have great courage in the face of big waves of emotion. This is what grieving is. It hurts, and it’s ugly — but it is necessary for healing.

Isolating Yourself

Withdrawing from social connections and avoiding activities you used to enjoy can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. It’s important to stay connected with friends and family members who can offer support and comfort during the grieving process.

This looks different for everyone, and shouldn’t be forced. It’s quite normal to recluse after someone you love dies. It’s a very introspective time, and being around other people may bring on feelings of anxiety and alienation. But completely shutting off from the world for months, forgetting your hobbies and passions, and completely dissociating from life is dangerous.

Using Substances to Cope

Using drugs or alcohol to numb your emotions can lead to addiction and further emotional distress. It’s important to find healthy coping mechanisms that don’t involve substance abuse.

Substance abuse and grieving can be interconnected, as some individuals may turn to drugs or alcohol as a means of coping with the intense emotions and pain associated with loss. However, using substances to cope with grief can lead to a variety of negative consequences, both short-term and long-term. 

While grief is a lifelong affair, with time, it can become manageable. Acquiring an addiction in the early stages of grief makes grief far less manageable— and creates a whole new problem to be solved. Don’t try to escape your feelings. Feeling numb might be relieving at first, but it is not worth the aftermath. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse while grieving, it’s important to seek help. Support from mental health professionals, grief counselors, or support groups can provide guidance and coping strategies to navigate the grieving process without relying on substances. Early intervention and support can help prevent long-term negative consequences and promote a healthier grieving process.

Blaming yourself and/or Others

Blaming yourself or others for the loss can lead to feelings of guilt, anger, and resentment. It’s important to recognize that grief is a natural process and that no one is to blame for the loss. It is also imperative to accept that people will grieve in their own ways.

Allow space for others to grieve as they will, without taking their process personally. In doing so, you might find that you are allowing yourself the space to do the same. Grief is a fickle, wild, painful thing that looks very different from person to person.

Let it be. 

Rushing the Process

Grieving takes time, and there is no set timeline for how long it should last. Trying to rush the process or avoid it altogether can lead to unresolved grief and emotional pain. Honor your feelings wherever you are in your process, and understand that the stages of grief are not linear.

It is very common, even years after someone has passed away, to have moments of disbelief that it actually happened. It is normal to experience waves of anger over the death well after you have truly accepted the loss.

Take a Breath

As previously mentioned — grief is a feral animal that can not be tamed. There is no way to control it, manipulate it, or make it work for you and your life. It is a tidal wave that must be endured. There is no going around it, over it, or underneath it. The only way is through.

And that can feel really unfair, given that you probably just want to feel some sort of normalcy. Isn’t losing your person enough? And now you have to battle deep emotions, feelings of sadness, AND carry on with a normal life?

It can feel like a lot, but know this:

You are not alone.

Be gentle with yourself. 

Be gentle with others.

And finally — practice unbridled, wild and radical self-love and acceptance. 

You can do this.

Is Hoarding a Mental Illness?

When you think of someone who hoards things, you may think of someone who likes to keep knick-knacks. Hoarding is a mental illness, and it’s called Hoarding Disorder. It’s important to understand that keeping some extra stuff here and there is not hoarding. 

A pattern of behavior in which an individual has difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value, due to a perceived need to save them, a fear of losing them, or a strong attachment to them.

Hoarding behavior can lead to the accumulation of an excessive amount of possessions, which can clutter living spaces, pose a fire hazard, and create unsanitary conditions. Hoarding can interfere with daily activities, relationships, and overall functioning, and it can cause significant distress and impairment in an individual’s life.

The degrees of hoarding can range from mild to severe, and it may be associated with other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Hoarding Disorder

Hoarding is a mental illness called “Hoarding Disorder.” 

This disorder was first recognized as a distinct mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), published in 1994. However, it was classified as a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) rather than as a separate disorder.

In the DSM-5, published in 2013, hoarding disorder was recognized as a separate diagnosis and given its own diagnostic criteria. This change reflects the growing recognition that hoarding disorder is a distinct mental health condition that requires its own specialized treatment.

It is important to note that while the recognition of hoarding disorder as a distinct mental illness may be relatively recent, the behavior of hoarding has been recognized for centuries in various cultures and has been depicted in literature and art throughout history.

Different Kinds of Hoarding

Hoarding can take many different forms and can be caused by a variety of underlying factors. Here are some different types of hoarding:

Animal Hoarding

This is a specific type of hoarding in which an individual accumulates an excessive number of animals, often beyond their ability to care for them properly. Animal hoarding can lead to unsanitary living conditions and cause harm to both the animals and the hoarder.

Information Hoarding

This is a type of hoarding in which an individual accumulates an excessive amount of information or paperwork. This includes magazines, newspapers, or documents, and has difficulty discarding them. This can lead to cluttered living spaces and make it hard for the hoarder to function in their daily lives.

Food Hoarding

This is a type of hoarding in which an individual accumulates an excessive amount of food, often beyond their ability to consume or store it properly. Food hoarding can lead to unsanitary living conditions and can contribute to health problems.

Object Hoarding

This is the most common form of hoarding, in which an individual accumulates an excessive amount of objects, such as clothing, books, or knick-knacks, and has difficulty discarding them. Object hoarding can lead to cluttered living spaces and can make it hard for the hoarder to function in their daily lives.

Digital Hoarding

This is a type of hoarding in which an individual accumulates an excessive amount of digital files. This includes photos, emails, or documents, and has difficulty deleting them. Digital hoarding can lead to cluttered digital spaces and can make it hard for the hoarder to find what they need.

Note that these types of hoarding are not mutually exclusive, and an individual may exhibit multiple types of hoarding behavior.  Additionally, hoarding can be a symptom of other mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, and it can be linked to trauma or other life events.

How to Help a Hoarder

Approach the hoarder with empathy and compassion. Understand that hoarding is a mental health condition, and that the hoarder may feel embarrassed, ashamed, or defensive about their behavior. Be kind. 

Encourage the hoarder to seek professional help. Encourage the hoarder to seek help from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or psychiatrist. A mental health professional can help the hoarder develop coping strategies and behavioral changes to manage their hoarding tendencies.

Always remember that hoarding is a mental illness. This will require professional help for real change. Unless you are a mental health professional specializing in hoarding, chances are you can’t help your friend alone. You can support them — but you can not fix them. 

And finally, offer practical help. Offer to help the hoarder declutter their living spaces, but do so in a non-judgmental and supportive manner. It can be helpful to break the decluttering process into small, manageable steps.  Create a plan for organizing and storing possessions.

Hire Us for Clean Up

Cleaning up a hoarding situation can be dangerous to a human’s health. It also requires resources and man-power to clean up and dispose of so much trash. But you are in luck — because hoarding cleanup is what we do. Contact us today if you need help cleaning up after a hoarder.

What Is an Unattended Death?

An unattended death is a situation where a person dies alone, and their body is discovered after a prolonged period without anyone knowing of their passing. Unattended deaths can happen in many different circumstances, such as when someone dies in their home or apartment and has no family or friends to check on them regularly or when someone dies in a public place without anyone noticing.

Unattended deaths can happen due to natural causes such as heart attacks, strokes, accidents, or other factors. They can also be a result of suicide or homicide. Because the person has died alone and may not have been found for some time, unattended deaths can present a significant challenge to law enforcement, medical professionals, and funeral directors, who must determine the cause of death and handle the body.

Are Unattended Deaths Common?

The frequency of unattended deaths can vary depending on various factors such as age, living situation, and health status. However, unattended deaths are not uncommon. They can happen more frequently among elderly people who live alone or have no regular contact with family or friends. Unattended deaths can also occur in younger individuals due to drug overdoses, accidents, or suicide.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, there were approximately 3.3 million deaths in 2019. Of these, a significant proportion were likely unattended deaths. The exact number of unattended deaths is difficult to determine since they often go undiscovered for some time.

However, medical examiners and coroners are responsible for investigating deaths, and they have procedures in place to identify and handle unattended deaths.

Detective Collecting Evidence in a Crime Scene. Forensic Specialists Making Expertise at Home of a Dead Person. The Concept of Homicide Investigation by Professional Police Officer.


How Fast Can Bodies Decompose?

Not all bodies decompose on the same timeline. Decomposition of a body  varies depending on a number of factors— such as temperature, moisture, presence of insects and other scavengers, and whether the body is buried, submerged, or left in the open air.

Under normal conditions, without any embalming or other preservation, a body will typically start to decompose within a few hours to a few days after death. This can make finding an unattended death and cleaning up after one a very messy situation. 

Who Cleans Up an Unattended Death?

In most cases, the responsibility of cleaning up after an unattended death falls on the property owner or their authorized representative, such as the executor of the deceased’s estate or a family member.

However, depending on the circumstances, there may be specialized professionals, such as biohazard cleanup companies, who are trained and equipped to handle the cleanup process. That is where organizations like ours comes in. We are usually the people property owners and family members call to clean up what is left behind after the body has been removed. 

It’s important to note that unattended deaths can present biohazard risks, such as the presence of bodily fluids and decomposition odors, which require proper handling and disposal to ensure the safety of those involved in the cleanup process. This is why it is imperative to call a company like the BioClean team.

We are trained professionals with deep expertise in removing biohazardous waste. Plus, unless used to it, cleaning up an unattended death is a nasty job to say the least. Just skip the mess and call us instead so that we can properly clean up and disinfect the affected area.

What To Do if You Find a Deceased Person 

If a person finds a dead body, they should follow these steps:

Call 911 or the local emergency services immediately. The police or emergency medical personnel will need to be notified to respond to the scene.

Do not touch or move the body. It’s important to preserve the scene as much as possible to help authorities investigate the cause of death.

If it’s safe to do so, the person who found the body should remain at the scene until the police and medical personnel arrive. They may be asked to provide a statement or answer questions about what they saw.

Cooperate with the authorities. Once the authorities arrive, they will take over the investigation. It’s important to cooperate with them and provide any information that may be helpful.

Seek support. Finding a dead body can be traumatic and may cause emotional distress. It’s important to seek support from friends, family, or a professional if needed.

Call Us 

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to clean up after an unattended death, give us a call. Our team is discrete, compassionate, and professional. We will efficiently disinfect and clean the space so that it may be inhabited once again without posing a health threat. 


Who Is Responsible for Sewage Cleanup?

Sewage cleanup is a critical task that must be completed when a home experiences an overflow or backed-up sewage system. Besides being quite disgusting, sewage poses a health risk to living quarters and people because it contains bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause serious health issues. Because of these health concerns, it’s important to understand who is responsible for this sort of cleanup so that the appropriate steps can be taken to ensure the safety of all involved.

Who Cleans Up Sewage? 

The responsibility of sewage cleanup falls on the homeowner, landlord, or property manager. Depending on the terms of the lease agreement and/or the insurance policy for the property, there may be some wiggle room in who pays for the costs associated with sewage cleanup. Still, ultimately it’s up to whoever owns or occupies the property to take action. If a tenant rents a home from a landlord and there is an issue with any kind of plumbing backup, then it’s best to reach out to them first before taking any additional steps. 

Paying for the cleanup and actually conducting the sewage cleanup is different. Unless a licensed professional, a person should never clean up a sewage spill. As previously mentioned, sewage is full of harmful bacteria and microorganisms that could cause serious health threats. Plus, it’s just a terrible job to do alone if you don’t know what you’re doing. Sewage also needs to be disposed of properly, and without the knowledge of where to dump, how to dispose of sewage, and supplies needed, you may be setting yourself up for further disaster.

Don’t clean up sewage alone. Call us. 

Sewage Exposure is Harmful

Sewage is no joke, and a professional sewage cleanup team will use serious chemicals to ensure that your living space doesn’t make residents sick. We have noted a couple times in this blog that sewage has bacteria in it — but it’s important to realize how and what we mean by “harmful”. 

Exposure to sewage can cause:

  • E. coli 
  • Typhoid fever
  • Intestinal viruses
  • Lung infections
  • Salmonella
  • Diaherra
  • Cramps
  • Weakness
  • Vomiting
  • And more

Conducting Sewage Cleanup By Yourself

In short: very small spills can be manageable on your own. Large sewage spills should always be handled by a professional. When dealing with sewage cleanup, it’s important that proper safety precautions are taken. If this is a small spill, cleaning up alone requires wearing protective clothing such as masks and gloves. Keep children and pets away from any contaminated areas. It’s also important that any standing water in the affected area is removed within 24-48 hours of initial contamination due to potential mold growth otherwise. 

If you do come into contact with sewage, make sure to:

  • Was hands thoroughly before touching your face or eating — even if you used gloves 
  • Keep your fingernails short and scrub under your fingernails
  • Bathe immediately and scrub your skin with body-safe disinfectant soap
  • Report any illness relating to the sewage spill immediately

Although disgusting, small spills might not seem like that big of a deal. We want to make sure you understand that they are. Sewage has the potential to cause life-threatening illness if not taken care of properly. If you have any doubts at all in cleaning up sewage, do not risk it. Call for help and save yourself the trouble of disease. 

When to Hire Help for a Sewage Cleanup

If you are dealing with contaminants like raw sewage or chemicals, it may be in your best interest to hire a professional company that specializes in hazardous material removal and disposal. Not only will they have access to special equipment that can help contain these materials safely, but they will have the knowledge and license to dispose of the sewage itself.

A professional company specializing in sewage removal can give your space a second chance at life. Affected items will be discarded and/or removed from your property (including furniture and flooring), and all spaces will be thoroughly sanitized with bleach or another sanitizing solution.

As a homeowner, renter, or landlord it’s important to understand who is responsible for sewage cleanup so appropriate steps can be taken quickly when needed. Do not let sewage linger, even if it is outside of your immediate space. Taking all of these factors into consideration will help ensure everyone’s safety during such an unfortunate event.

Cleaning up sewage is a nasty job, but someone has to do it — and that someone is us. Give us a call today so that we can sort out your sewage spill and help you get your life back on track.

The Dangers of a Meth Lab CleanUp

Meth lab cleanups are no small task. It’s a job that requires specialized knowledge of danger and expertise in decontamination. Suppose you have discovered a meth lab on your property. In that case, it’s important to contact the appropriate professional services immediately to ensure that the area is properly disinfected and safe for re-entry. 

What Makes a Meth Lab Cleanup So Dangerous? 

Meth labs are incredibly dangerous places for both those who are using them and those who are tasked with cleaning them up. This is because the chemicals used in meth production can be hazardous to human health and the environment. These chemicals can create toxic fumes, making people sick or even cause death if they are inhaled. Additionally, some of these chemicals can corrode surfaces or even cause fires or explosions if they are not handled properly. Because of this, it is important to take extra precautions when tasked with a meth lab clean up. 

Why Are Chemicals Used in Meth Production Dangerous?

Meth is made in various ways, but there are three different groups of chemicals used in each one:

  1. Metals and salts
  2. Solvents
  3. Strong acids/bases. 

Corrosives (strong acids/bases/solvents) like acetic acid and ammonia can cause a health threat due to inhalation. In liquid form, they easily become gasses or chemicals in the air. When corrosives are in powder form, they are also easy to inhale. When solid, corrosives can become explosive when near fire or heat. When you hear of a meth lab exploding, it’s usually because these chemicals caught fire. 

Inhaled corrosive vapors can cause corneal injury, redness/eye irritation, and shedding tears that won’t stop. The mucous membranes in the nose and throat can experience extreme irritation. Lungs can become agitated and can cause bleeding in the lungs, shortness of breath, and a terrible cough. 

Inhaling vaporous solvents, like acetone or isopropanol, can cause severe irritation as well. At high concentrations, solvents can cause a person to lose consciousness and injure the kidneys and liver. 

Metals and salts are usually in solid form and pose little threat unless ingested or inhaled as dust in the air. Metals and salts like potassium metal and sodium hydroxide can become extremely corrosive when exposed to moisture. Lithium aluminum hydride is an extreme fire hazard, known to be reactive and explode. 

What is Involved in a Meth Lab Cleanup? 

Chemicals and other spilled agents will remain in a former lab until they are physically cleaned up. If the space is contaminated with heavy vapors, most will clear out with ventilation. However, chemical residuals will linger until removed with clean up. These residuals pose a great health risk and should never, ever be cleaned up by anyone other than a licensed professional. 

Consider sharps, for instance. If someone was to cut themselves with drug paraphernalia, the risk would be high for life-altering infection. Exposure to these chemicals without proper PPE gear or ventilation could be life threatening. 

Cleaning up a meth lab involves more than just wiping down surfaces and throwing away trash – it requires specialized knowledge and expertise to handle the hazardous materials safely and effectively. Professional services will need to be called in order to assess the situation and determine what needs to be done in order to decontaminate the area.

The process usually involves removing any hazardous materials from the premises, properly disposing of them, thoroughly sanitizing all surfaces, conducting air quality tests, and making sure that all safety protocols have been followed before allowing anyone back into the area. 

Meth lab cleanups should never be attempted without professional assistance. It requires licensed professionals to do so safely and effectively without putting people’s health at risk or causing further damage to the environment or property.

What To Look For

The most obvious sign of a meth lab is the presence of suspicious chemicals and equipment such as glass jars and tubing. Additionally, there may also be strange smells coming from the area or chemical burns on surfaces like carpets or floors. Other signs to look out for include large amounts of trash or hazardous waste in the area as well as people coming and going at odd hours or staying overnight without permission.  

Call Us

If you’ve found an illegal drug lab on your property, you may feel unsafe, confused, or unsure of what to do next. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that there are resources available to help you navigate this difficult situation. Contact the BioCleanTeam right away so that we can assess the situation and properly decontaminate the area. Your safety is paramount and recuperating the space is possible!

How To Remove Cat Urine From Carpet

Cleaning up cat urine is a task anyone would avoid if they could. However, if you have been given the chore of cleaning up cat urine— fear not. Experience in animal urine allows us to confidently guide you in effectively removing cat urine from the carpet.

But first, let it be known: cat urine can be very dangerous for your health. You can read more to learn why cat urine threatens your well-being and when to call a professional for help. However, unless you are in a cat or animal hoarding situation, chances are you’ve got this on your own.

Just remember to wear gloves and a mask. And play some music, too, to distract yourself from the nasty task at hand. 

Why Cat Pee Smells

Like most anything made of organic matter, cat urine has a decomposition process. The longer the urine has sat in the carpet, the more foul it may smell. After a while, bacteria in the cat urine begins to decompose. 

That ammonia smell? The smell that feels like acid on your nose? That smell is the bacteria in cat urine. When that smell becomes pungent, that means the cat urine has begun its decomposing process. While the cat pee reaches the second and third stages of its decomposition, it releases mercaptans — the crucial compound in what gives skunks their skunk-y smell. 

Male cats that have not been neutered will emit an extra smelly urine because they have hormones in their pee. The hormones add an extra layer of smell as the urine settles into the carpet and begins to grow stale. 

The longer that cat pee sits, the worse it will smell. So if you think the smell is already terrible, you better get to work before the stench becomes unbearable.

When Cat Pee is Dangerous

Cat urine has a ton of ammonia in it, and ammonia is a toxic gas that can really make things messy in your brain. Ammonia in cat urine is known to be the cause of headaches and bring about asthma attacks.

In some extreme cases of inhalation, feline pee can give people respiratory issues like pneumonia. People with weak immune systems (consider children, elderly people, those with immunity issues) pose a higher risk of infection from ammonia when exposed. 

Unfortunately, it gets worse.

Cat urine is notorious for causing roundworms. Roundworms are nasty little parasites that live inside of cat poop. Why are we mentioning this? Because if you are dealing with cat urine, chances are you might be picking up some cat poop, too. Roundworms like to burrow in cat poop and can move on to burrowing inside of humans, too. Roundworms can lead to diarrhea, weight loss, throwing up, and much more. 

If you are immuno-compromised and are exposed to excess cat urine and animal feces, hire professional help. The risk to your health is not worth it.

Now that we have probably grossed you out further than you already were, let’s get into the removal. 

Step 1

If the cat urine in the carpet is fresh, blot the mess with a towel. Make sure to get as much of the urine out of the carpet as possible by soaking up the urine with said towel. Apply pressure to the towel so that you can soak up urine that has settled on the backing of the carpet. 

Step 2

Rinse the area. Be meticulous with your rinsing. Make sure to use a fresh rag while you are rinsing out the area so that you are not circulating urine from the rag back into the carpet.

Tip: don’t use a steam cleaner, because heat may set the stain.

Step 3

Purchase an enzyme cleaner to douse the area with. If the enzyme cleaner you have selected comes in a spray bottle, open the spray bottle up and pour directly into the urine. You want to make sure you soak the area with enzyme cleaner— not just dust the top of the carpet with spray. 

Don’t be afraid of using too much product. Remember, cat urine is potent and strong. You will need to bring out the big guns for this one!

Step 4

After you have doused the area with enzyme cleaner, let the cleaner sit for a while. Consider about 10-20 minutes. When the cleaner has sat for the appropriate time period, soak the enzyme cleaner up with a fresh cloth. 

If you find that the area still smells after you’ve cleaned up the urine, repeat this process. You may have to repeat this process a few times for older stains that have decomposed for a long time. 


If you would prefer to use an all-natural solution rather than a store bought enzyme cleaner, you can use vinegar and water. Use equal parts vinegar and water in a bucket and use the same steps. 

Who Cleans Up a Suicide?

When someone takes their life, those who knew and loved them are nothing short of crushed. The last thing that anyone is thinking about is suicide cleanup. Most times people are in utter shock and then deep sorrowful sadness. Suicide can be prevented, and when it isn’t, it hurts beyond words.

Unfortunately, tasks like disinfecting the area and cleaning up remains/blood are important after such an event. Pathogens can infect others and cause harm to those left behind at the scene. Restoring a space to a safe condition is imperative.

And what is most unfortunate about this chore is that it is usually left to the family of the deceased or the owner of the home/apartment/business building to do. It’s an unthinkable thing to have to conquer on your own. Those who are put in this position usually call people like us— a professional biohazard remediation company.

Hiring a Suicide Cleanup Crew

A biohazard remediation company is a licensed organization of professionals with expertise in cleaning up biohazardous materials. Biohazardous materials include anything from chemicals, to sharp objects, to human remains and blood.

Some instances of suicide can be quite violent, with small particles of blood reaching in far places. When you hire a suicide cleanup crew, they will understand this and anticipate finding blood in interesting places. Licensed suicide cleanup crews know what to look for and what to expect. 

For instance, what might seem like a small mess of blood on carpet to an uneducated eye could very well be a threat to someone who knows the danger of pathogens. That small patch of blood could have seeped to the subfloor of the carpet and expanded to farther places underneath.

If that blood is left unattended and not cleaned up, serious illness can come from it. That’s why it’s incredibly important to hire a suicide clean up crew after a suicidal event.

But First, Compassion

When the BioClean Team is called to a suicide cleanup, we practice discretion and professionalism in every step of the way. If loved ones are still on-scene after our arrival, we will first always express our deepest condolences.

The BioClean Team was founded by a nurse with more than 10 years of emergency room experience. Her goal is not just to provide fast, efficient and thorough biohazard cleanup services, but also to provide her clients with a dose of compassion.

She’s helped hundreds of people during some of the most emotionally trying times of their lives, and has trained her team to provide caring and compassionate services. It’s not just about the cleanup; it’s about providing some measure of comfort after a horrible tragedy has occurred.

Compassion is always important, but it is especially crucial in the first moments after losing a loved one to suicide. Suicide is devastating and unthinkable. We understand that seeing a cleanup crew come to clean up your loved one’s blood and remains can also be traumatizing in and of itself.

The Process

Next, we will ask everyone to clear the scene so that we can get to work. We will investigate the area and learn about the incident and how the event happened. Learning about what happened allows us to anticipate where we might find any biohazardous materials. 

We will then use special chemicals to disinfect and clean out the site. We will carefully thumb through and remove infected materials like carpets, rugs, cushions, furniture, etc. Removing these items ensures that there are no lingering pathogens after we leave the site

The specific chemicals we use not only disinfect any bacteria left behind, but also ultimately allows for the space to be habitable again by people and animals. 

We Can Help You

The BioClean Team has helped thousands of people within the Los Angeles and southern California area, and we now serve Las Vegas as well. We work 24/7, 365 days a year. We pride ourselves on not only being the fastest to arrive, but for our professionalism as well.

The BioClean Team are not only experts at suicide cleanup, but we are the most compassionate as well.

Since BioClean works with insurance, chances are that you won’t have to pay a dime. Please call us if you need help. Let us take this incredibly difficult burden off of your shoulders so that you can do what you need to do in the next moment.

Contact us today so that we can help.

Suicide Prevention & Resources

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, you are not alone. Please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, and you can speak with a counselor at any time, night or day.